
Installation Instructions

  1. Apply for Trial License or Obtain License Key
  2. Download RTI DDS for RHEL (Be sure to get the correct platform)
  3. CD to Directory where File was Downloaded
  4. Execute:
    chmod 777
  5. Read & Accept License Agreement
  6. Choose Install Directory
  7. "n" to Skip Getting Started Guide
  8. "n" to Skip starting Launcher
  9. Replace the file "rti_license.dat" in the RTI Install directory with your License File
  10. CD to Installation Directory
  11. Execute:
    source rti_set_bash_4.5f
    1. Note: You can copy the export and alias statements out of this file into your environment settings so that they are set at startup
  12. Run the Launcher to Confirm Installation, Execute:

Java Examples

The Java Examples are Located in "<INSTALL_DIR>/ndss4.5/example/JAVA/". You must complete the following steps in Eclipse before you will be able to run the Java Examples:

  1. Add the JAR files in "<INSTALL_DIR>/ndds.4.5f/class", specifically the nddsjava.jar file to your classpath.
    1. For more complex project you may require additional JAR files in this directory as well.
  2. Add the Environment Variable:
    1. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<INSTALL_DIR>/ndds.4.5f/lib/x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5
  3. Place a copy of the "rti_license.dat" file in the directory "<INSTALL_DIR>/ndds.4.5f/"


22 June 2012
